Lansing All Star Mechanical

Residential Heating & Cooling / HVAC

Welcome to 2025. I am not prepared. Neither are you.

Welcome to 2025. I am not prepared, and I don’t know what I could’ve done differently. It is really just hard to believe everything that has happened since the election. I mean, it’s a whirlwind, and the hits keep on coming. I know my tears are being swallowed up by the anti woke crowd, but I couldn’t care less about their glee, nothing should surprise me anymore and so I will just continue to live and vote for the change I want to see, it is literally all I can do.

I have no doubt that what we will see in the coming months will be chaos. I am only hopeful that the chaos slows down the harm that will certainly be unleashed on so many. I distinctly remember the first administration in which he displayed himself as such a foul character from every single aspect, and I still can’t understand how anyone would choose that. I call you a liar if you said you would accept your child behaving like him. Everything I was taught as a child was to reject that type of behavior. I didn’t think you could make this stuff up and people would believe it but here we are listening to him talk about making Canada the 51st state? I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that they think that the billionaires they love so much are somehow going to make life better for them. Do they understand the billionaire class became billionaires at their exploitation, regardless of how it’s spun? Now they think that these same billionaires will reward them with wealth, or security, or peace of mind? I’ve been waiting for trickle down economics to work for like 50 years, and the rich just keep getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, wages are stagnant, and people are working themselves sick. Yeah, the I told you sos will not make up for the destruction they leave in their wake.

My message is this, just because your guy won an election, doesn’t translate to you being better off. I have no doubt that you’ll walk around with your chest puffed out, but even more probable is that you will find out that he doesn’t care about you even a little, so your posturing will be in vain. The only segment of the population that will prosper will be those who are already rich, or those willing to sacrifice any of their dignity at the expense of others. Trump and his ilk have never parted with a dollar, even if it meant to bankrupt someone who works hard.

With the economy being the reason (that’s their claim anyway) many people voted for a billionaire, I wonder how they came to the idea that he, or anyone around him, has their interests at heart. As a small, privately, and truly locally owned business, my goal has always been to provide the type of quality workmanship that you should always expect to receive. I can say with certainty that nobody locally does what we do, and I’d rather you hire another small locally owned business than one that has sold out to the corporate greed of big money. The economic trend lately in many industries of public service has been for private equity groups to maximize profits by purchasing companies or businesses, which in a consumer capitalist society has never benefited the consumer in the long run, as they have to cut costs somewhere in order to satisfy their shareholders. Eventually they buy up all of the competition, and then they can charge whatever they want. They tend to market everything they offer by using gimmicks such as buy a furnace and get a free AC, which is never really the case, but they certainly can give quotes that are much cheaper because their goal is quantity over quality, and the end game is to not have any competition so they can then set the value at whatever they want, which will make a lot of products unaffordable by a majority of people who are already struggling, and so these private equity groups own financing companies who have already set up predatory lending options that will worsen the situation for people with no other financial means.

It is already here in Lansing. Many of the companies that you’ve thought were local are not local at all. They are owned by private equity firms whose goal is to eliminate companies like mine. We may all look back one day and say “why aren’t there any quality contractors out there anymore?” and it will be because the right has played the long game, and destroyed local business. It has happened in so many industries, and it is now happening with the home service industry at a pretty good pace. Just as an example, look up Heartland Home Services and you’ll see they own at least 3 dozen heating and cooling companies including ones you’ve heard of right here like Vredevoogd, and Hager Fox. They still advertise as being local, but Heartland Home Services has bought out plumbing and heating and cooling companies from Kentucky, to Delaware, Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, and several right here in MIchigan. This is just one private equity firm, there are so many others. Hedlund Plumbing built a reputable business but is now rebranded as Service Professor. They are not locally owned and they are flooding the radio, TV and social media with ads to get you to call them. Look, I can’t compete with the volume, but the type of tactics they use are not good for the consumer, and with shady tactics, it is usually followed by less than scrupulous work practices. Trump, Elon, and the other billionaires’ policies will promote more of this until we are living in the world of the movie Idiocracy.

I hope the rest of the world stands up to defend decency, because I feel pretty small. I feel like I am witnessing everything I have come to know is not normal anymore, lies are perceived as truth, intellect is perceived as elitist, history doesn’t matter, money determines one’s success, etc. I can’t keep up. I am only thankful to know that there are so many of you who see things similarly to me.

There was a time, I think, when most people could see the good, and the bad, and make a distinction between the two. A time when people inherently did the right thing. Maybe I am being nostalgic, but I want to see the good in people, but it is getting harder and harder when we as a collective have chosen the likes of a man who has no redeeming qualities. It is as if we have forsaken humanity because he has built an empire and a brand. His tall buildings are a symbol of American exceptionalism, and I don’t mean that in a good way, because he is certainly exceptional in all of the ways I despise. I want to see more people get ahead, get a proper education, understand the world is full of many walks of life that look nothing like their own, and accept people regardless of their differences.

We are still a young country, but we’ve grown at an exponential pace during the industrial age. Many who subscribe to old ways of thinking do so because it’s hard to accept new ideas, but that just isn’t good enough. The ideas they inherited were passed down subconsciously to their children and generations afterward. Brave people spoke out and we saw change, but to this day we still see the vestiges of hate that I hope are gasping for its last collective breath, but I won’t hold mine because I can see how stubborn it is. It is up to us who find ourselves amongst those with long held ideas to continue to challenge them and make it known that hate is not welcome here. I can say with certainty that silence is only going to make things worse. You can’t fix a problem if you don’t confront it, and I know from personal experience that hearing a bigoted joke, or a racist joke, or a sexist joke and not saying it may not harm me, but it will harm someone close to me.

For the next four years, I will continue to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. I want the best people do have opportunities to contribute to society, and it doesn’t mean that just because someone is of a certain race, sex or orientation that they should be given anything, but that they shouldn’t be excluded just because their name looks foreign, or they dress a certain way, or because of who they love etc. For me, I know people in positions of power often overlook an application because the person’s name is Jamal, and not Steve. They may be equally qualified, but Jamal may not even get the call back to prove he is indeed the best fit. DEI is not about giving the position to someone just because said person is Black, a Woman, or identifies as Queer, if you think that is what DEI is, you are not listening, either willfully or ignorantly, or both.

I am sure the next few weeks will be as chaotic as the last couple of months. My head is on a swivel, and I can barely focus on any one thing, but the economy will impact everyone and I suspect the likes of Joe Rogan, Glen Beck, Steve Bannon, Elon and so on will spin things to fit their narrative through plausible deniability (they’ve mastered this), but these people are all profiting off of the exploitation of many who have been deceived by false narratives that keep them comfortably in their bubble. These are the types of people who are bad for the American people, no matter what party you subscribe to. They all sell America out by claiming they are loyal to the ideas and promises of this nation. They have been claiming the sky is falling since Obama took office, and yet, we have seen progress along the way. Hopefully they won’t burn it down, but they will blame it on Joe if it does.

All Star Mechanical Stands For and With You

It’s not just about having heat or being cool. Although if you’re comfortable, you can do anything.

I haven’t really written anything in a while.
Honestly between all that is going on, I’ve really, had a hard time focusing on any particular thing. Between Ukraine, Gaza, the elections, and the litany of things that Christians Nationalists have put forth to confuse average Americans, it’s all so overwhelming. And I feel a bit disappointed in myself and many Americans for the outcome of the election. The fact is that just because Kamala (pronounced CommaLa) lost doesn’t mean the people made the right choice. Many people that voted for Trump will suffer along with the many people who didn’t.

There will finally be some commonality amongst the divided, but unfortunately for all of my friends, particularly those of us who have the most privilege (defined as having the least amount of obstacles to overcome to achieve our dreams), we will witness people struggle and some will not survive. I implore anyone who feels desperate in the coming days, months and years to find someone to lean on and try to survive. We need you and there is someone in your life who can’t live without you. If you’re all alone, I will lend an ear personally.

Take care everyone, and thank you for voting for All Star Mechanical as the best HVAC company in Lansing during City Pulse’s Top of the Town contest. Again. I think it’s a threepeat.
Lastly, cling on to something you’ve enjoyed.

Something that you can look forward to find some joy in. As a lifelong sports fan (much less so in the last 15 years due to prioritization) I’m truly excited about my Detroit Lions. My favorite joke in years past is as follows:

When I die, l’d like the Detroit Lions to be my pal bearers at my funeral so they can let me down one last time.

I hope this season they can win the Super Bowl so l have to find a new joke to tell at parties.
This message is brought to you by a left leaning, good-for-nothing, elitist, lazy tree hugging liberal businessman who believes completely that Black Lives Matter, that women should have complete bodily autonomy and that love is love. To my trans friends, I know you are watching us go backwards, that progress seems impossible, but I love you, and I’m terrified of the anger people who don’t understand your struggle. I and others will continue to show up for you; this fight is not over.
To anyone reading this and not in agreement, l just would like to you to consider that maybe there’s a way you could try to understand, talking, listening, and learning. We are not the enemy within.

Stay woke.


Going solar with a heat pump option in Michigan

Going solar with a heat pump option is the next step for the homeowners with solar who want to maximize the use of their solar array and heat and cool their homes. Solar arrays, along with a new variable speed inverter heat pump with 2 stage electric resistance auxiliary heat and a new humidifier powers the heating and cooling at this Lansing-area house.

This homeowner client had a solar panel array with battery backup and wanted to power their furnace with the solar array. This heat pump plus electric auxiliary heat allows them to use their solar-generated electricity to heat and cool their home! This doesn’t use a standard gas hookup, but is powered by electricity the homeowner generates from their solar panel array. From the outside, it looks just like a regular A/C unit, and on the inside, a regular furnace. But it’s not!

This is an air to air source heat pump with back up resistance heat. The heat pump is basically an air conditioner with a reversing valve. In the summer, the outdoor unit is the condenser, and the indoor unit is the evaporator, and it reverses operation in the winter. On the coldest days, the back up resistance heat gives more output when it’s needed. It uses a lot of electricity, but with solar it will offset the cost and with enough hours banked it could actually produce more than you might use. There is no gas, it’s entirely electric. The indoor unit is an air handler with a coil and the back up heat.

These types of systems come with a 30% tax credit from the federal government’s Inflation Reduction Act, passed by the Biden/Harris administration. Tax incentives help defray the cost of a new installation of solar electricity, weatherproofing, heat pump systems such as this, to help combat climate change.

Going solar with a heat pump option in Michigan:

If you have solar panel array at your home and want a great option for heating your home in the winter and cooling it in the summer, contact us for a quote on this system. You could power your heating and cooling from the sun!

Heating and Cooling Repair Lansing

There is nothing worse than realizing your furnace or air conditioner has stopped working! And worse yet, it’s always when you need it (naturally!) What do you do when you need heating and cooling repair in Lansing? Call All Star Mechanical!

You have a lot of choice when it comes to heating and cooling repair in Lansing. We’re the hometown team who has been (honestly) serving Lansing for over two decades. We will always give it to you with a solid explanation, so you are aware of how your system works (and why it’s not working) and what it will take to fix.

Lansing All Star Mechanical A/C Repair

Trane Air Conditioning Repair Lansing

Why Trane? They’re simply reliable for long term performance! And, if you’re going to invite us into your home and install the biggest home system you have (heating and air conditioning), you’d better choose reliable over cheap! Trane air conditioning repair is something that we do, and we do well.

When we counsel customers about what type of air conditioning and heating system to install in their homes, it’s usually because it’s not working. And, you know, if your air conditioning isn’t working, and it’s 92 and humid, you’re probably pretty irritated about that already. On top of it, now you have this big expense. But what if we told you that expense could last you many decades? That certainly takes the ‘per-every-92-degree-day’ cost down pretty cheap. Everyone compares it to a fancy latte at a coffee shop but even if you DO forego a stop in at Strange Matter coffee, we promise you’ll be a lot happier if your home is 72 degrees tonight at 10pm!

Trane air conditioning systems work. They work reliably year over year, and decade over decade. We don’t want you to just have a few years of blissful cool indoor weather, we want you to have decades of it. And that kind of reliability works. Now, if you DO have to replace it, we might also talk to you about replacing your furnace at the same time. Why? Not so we can make a buck, but so you can SAVE some. If your furnace is also aging, you will find a whole systems replace to be far more energy efficient AND cost effective over time than replacing one over the other.

We love doing Trane air conditioning repair too – the parts are available, they’re reliable, they work. We won’t be returning again and again to fix the same problem. You’ll be happy with the cool in your house on your upper floor and your main floor at the same time (we aim for less than a 2 degree difference!) And, if you’ve spent a sweltering humid Michigan summer without it, consider what it’s going to be like as every summer seems to be getting hotter and hotter!

Give us a call to schedule a service review!

Lansing Heating and Cooling Services

Lansing Heating and Cooling companies are by and large run by one of two kinds of companies: independently owned businesses like Lansing’s All Star Mechanical or they are owned by large companies (aka “Private Equity”) that have bought up many smaller firms. You might not know they are owned by large firms because they kept their “small town name”.

What is the difference and what does it mean for Lansing heating and cooling services? Simple. If you’re part of a big private equity firm, their goal isn’t service, it’s extracting the most amount of profit out of the company. A good company really invested in Lansing is pretty easy to spot. Do they actively work in Lansing? On their company social media do they show that they are invested in things that are happening around Lansing? That could be anything from attending local events and festivals to being involved in local initiatives, activism or even politics (yes, politics!)

If you’re invested in Lansing, then the customers you serve are your friends and neighbors – or they are friends of your friends or neighbors (it’s a small town!) And as such, you have to do the right thing by them, because your reputation will precede you!

Lansing heating and cooling furnace photo Trane new furnace installation

Yes, it’s a new Trane furnace. Yes, it’s a basement. But nobody gets excited about their new furnace, except us! And yet, it’s one of the bigger expenses you might have to have in your home!

What to look for in Lansing Heating and Cooling companies?

Do they work in the Lansing area exclusively (that also includes our outlying communities like Okemos, Haslett, Bath, DeWitt, St. John’s, Holt, Delta Township, Grand Ledge.) Do they have Lansing customers? Some big companies have come in from other places with no connection to Lansing.

Have they worked on a variety of installations for heating and cooling? We’ve done some really great stuff with homeowners with all sizes of homes (and basements, crawl spaces or closets!)

Here’s our recommendation for what to look for and why.

How can HVAC businesses stay competitive when costs are rising across the industry

Lansing’s All Star Mechanical Larry Kirchoff talks with WLAJ’s Susan Angel about how businesses, faced with rising costs, are responding – without gouging Lansing customers! In this segment, Larry and Susan explore how businesses are coping with their costs rising, and how having great employees (paid a living wage) reduces turnover (and cost), how working with customers on their budgets (and factoring in long term functionality of their furnace and air conditioning equipment) can pay off for both the business AND the customer.

How is inflation affecting the home heating and cooling industry?

Inflation has affected the home heating and cooling (HVAC) industry a lot. Here’s what we’re doing to help YOU, the customer, as prices everywhere go up. We’ve done that in a few ways:

Absorbing the cost of price increases, so you don’t have to pay for them (we do)

Retention of our staff – paying them a good wage means they are happy and stick around. Training is a huge cost in our industry. Happy employees love to help customers!

Check out this short video interview with Larry Kirchoff, All Star Mechanical and Susan Angel from WLAJ.

Lansing All Star Mechanical 2024 Funny Furnace Videos – Multiple quotes from the same guy?

Who says HVAC can’t be funny?

If you’re in the market for a new furnace or air conditioning system at your home, do you know that many of the companies in our area who appear to be different companies are owned by the SAME company? That’s right! That second or third quote (or fourth quote)? Same company.

Stick with an independently owned, locally owned company with Lansing-area people helping you out, no fake mustaches needed.

Call us! Text us!

(517) 490-4642

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Lansing All Star Mechanical

All Star Mechanical

Residential heating & cooling repair, installation and support with more than just great service. Authorized Trane service and sales.
All Star Mechanical
All Star Mechanical11 months ago
I’m all for a good thwarting but I feel a little icky for registering with Turning Point USA 😂
All Star Mechanical
All Star Mechanical11 months ago
All Star Mechanical
All Star Mechanical
All Star Mechanical11 months ago
This weeks forecast
Thursday and Friday=March
All Star Mechanical
All Star Mechanical11 months ago
Crawl spaces are never easy, but when they’re finished, it’s rewarding. This was hard work, and it’s beautiful if I say so myself. It’s art and I call this one “The Immaculate Installation”.
All Star Mechanical
All Star Mechanical11 months ago
With all this spring like weather. I just wanted you all to know that we are ready to install your new ish central AC. 😂😂😂 No humans were harmed in the making of this video, but only due to sheer luck.
All Star Mechanical
All Star Mechanical
All Star Mechanical12 months ago
Before and after